Tag Archives: Missing Attributes product_type

Amazon Marketplace Inventory file upload error code – 8560

Feed Processing Summary:
Number of records processed 140
Number of records successful 138

original-record-number sku error-code error-type error-message
123 1-1529-1865072 8560 Error SKU 1-1529-1865072, Missing Attributes product_type. SKU 1-1529-1865072 does not match any ASIN. Creation of a new ASIN requires the following missing attributes: product_type. Feed ID: 0. For details, see http://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/errorcode/200692370

140 1-1529-1892990 8560 Error SKU 1-1529-1892990, Missing Attributes product_type. SKU 1-1529-1892990 does not match any ASIN. Creation of a new ASIN requires the following missing attributes: product_type. Feed ID: 0. For details, see http://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/errorcode/200692370

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