Amazon Marketplace Inventory file upload error code – 8560

Feed Processing Summary:
Number of records processed 140
Number of records successful 138

original-record-number sku error-code error-type error-message
123 1-1529-1865072 8560 Error SKU 1-1529-1865072, Missing Attributes product_type. SKU 1-1529-1865072 does not match any ASIN. Creation of a new ASIN requires the following missing attributes: product_type. Feed ID: 0. For details, see

140 1-1529-1892990 8560 Error SKU 1-1529-1892990, Missing Attributes product_type. SKU 1-1529-1892990 does not match any ASIN. Creation of a new ASIN requires the following missing attributes: product_type. Feed ID: 0. For details, see

however, the two product both have valid UPC and have ASIN on amazaon marketplace.

in the inventory feed file, we changed to use ASIN instead of UPC and the upload was then successful.

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